Results and facts for 2014

Gathered together all the events and achievements that took place in 2014.

I borrowed a note template from Artem Sapegin. So, some facts, events, and achievements in 2014:

  • I figured out the DocPad generator and created my website in two languages. Also, I sent a couple of pull requests to DocPad itself.
  • I left a warm seat at and started my own business. Not everything worked out as I saw it in the beginning, but the issues added experience, and new ideas just added up. I consider it an invaluable experience and that everyone should at least try it.
  • I graduated from Pre-Intermediate (A2) English level courses. The level is not the highest, but the result is already visible.
  • The level of language knowledge allowed me to get my first customer from the UK, and a new experience is always good.
  • I organized and held my first and the first MODX Meetup in Belarus.
  • I wrote and released three components for MODX for payment systems integration: mspWebPay (not selling now), mspAssistBelarus, mspPayU.
  • I visited Bulgaria first time. I was on vacation there.
  • I drove my first brevet 200 km long on a simple bike, Trek 3500.
  • I drove around half of the perimeter of Belarus in May on the route Minsk→Grodno→Naroch→Polotsk→Vitebsk→Mogilev→Minsk.
  • I visited the highest point of Belarus.
  • I launched a new version of MODX Belarus community website

And a lot more that I already forgot.

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